A Cluttered Closet

A side to my daily Xanga blog at http://www.xanga.com/Darkfire_blade. Perhaps a place where things are put into a little more detail, more emotion, more...stuff? ^-^ I have no idea. Just a place where I can throw everything that I thought about my day.

Location: Illinois, United States

Schoolwork, testing, volunteering and friends time? That's all cool, but try balancing that with hiding your best Transformer friend and it all goes insane.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Opening Day...

Oh wow, today's the opening day of 'The Crucible' at school. I can't believe that time flew by so quickly. Even though I don't have much of a part I'm still nervous...and sleepy. Thank Ra today is pajama day for the dress-up week, I think I shall attempt to sleep in classes *cough*English*cough*. lol.

I suppose I am growing into my feminine side *snickersnort*, I like my costume. It's a white petticoat and a beige blouse, over the petticoat there's a black skirt, over the blouse a green lace-up vest/corset thing, and then an apron and bonnet...the bonnet's kinda weird though. I've finally learned how to put on make-up. Except for the eyeliner which I thank everyone for helping me with (Shruti, Emily, Laura).

Mmmm...I should get off, my dad will kill me (exaggerated) if he finds me on at this time in the morning.


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