A Cluttered Closet

A side to my daily Xanga blog at http://www.xanga.com/Darkfire_blade. Perhaps a place where things are put into a little more detail, more emotion, more...stuff? ^-^ I have no idea. Just a place where I can throw everything that I thought about my day.

Location: Illinois, United States

Schoolwork, testing, volunteering and friends time? That's all cool, but try balancing that with hiding your best Transformer friend and it all goes insane.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

2 Cups of Excitement and a Dash of Joy

So Studprod was last night. It was AMAZING. I highly suggest that anyone that has nothing to do on a Saturday afternoon go see it. Or just anyone period. It's at the U of I Armory at 3. And it's free, so no need to empty your pockets. But donations are readily accepted *wink*. Be prepared for laughs, excitement, tears, and anger. Plays/musicals that evoke such emotion deserve great credit.

The Turkey Trot was cancelled, but now there's going to be a December dance. The Snow Dance. Sounds interesting, I do hope the sophomores will make it worth going to. I wonder if it's worth going to at all? I'll just have to see ^^.

As for the joy? I LOVE MY FRIENDS! You all are so rawking my socks off with all of your support last night. Love you all.


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