A Cluttered Closet

A side to my daily Xanga blog at http://www.xanga.com/Darkfire_blade. Perhaps a place where things are put into a little more detail, more emotion, more...stuff? ^-^ I have no idea. Just a place where I can throw everything that I thought about my day.

Location: Illinois, United States

Schoolwork, testing, volunteering and friends time? That's all cool, but try balancing that with hiding your best Transformer friend and it all goes insane.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Post Opening Night,..

Ohhh wow! Opening night was great. I would be posting this in my Xanga...but my laptop is being a butt and I can't post anything in it. Meh.

Everyone did ::wonderful:: they all memorized their lines and did so well even when some of us did mess up. Gooler is really good at mooing like a cow. I don't know why, but Ms. Ridenhour got pissed off for some reason. I thought we did wonderful even if some pages were skipped, but the people made up the missed things very well. I'm so glad I was able to be in this production, as tiring as it can be at times.

I missed the chess meet. But Brian-sama said we won both. yay! Go UNI!

Well I better get some sleep.



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