A Cluttered Closet

A side to my daily Xanga blog at http://www.xanga.com/Darkfire_blade. Perhaps a place where things are put into a little more detail, more emotion, more...stuff? ^-^ I have no idea. Just a place where I can throw everything that I thought about my day.

Location: Illinois, United States

Schoolwork, testing, volunteering and friends time? That's all cool, but try balancing that with hiding your best Transformer friend and it all goes insane.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

I've spilled the beans...

There Michelle, it is done, I have told them. But unfortunately it wasn't the best time I think to break it out. Happened while mom and I were having another argument and it came out after a lot of thinking and planning...but still unexpected. I told mom half of it. The rest I didn't feel like telling, that part they don't need to know. But it's out now. I suppose they'll be watching over my shoulder for the rest of my life now. Maybe I should have told them that forgiveness had been earned for that bastard and I don't really care about that anymore. Nothing more than a distinctive memory. A distinctive memory that happened to shape most of my life.

Mom was a little defensive. I suppose I felt that the blame was still being put on me for being that child that "loved to play and always broke the rules". It wasn't entirely my fault. It was also theirs for making me feel like I couldn't tell them. It was being freaking 5 years old, no one would take me seriously, no?

I suppose she is off right now telling dad everything. Joy. Aren't we all going to be happy now?

Now don't take this wrong. I'm not saying that you've just probably made my parents want to cut me off from nan ren for the rest of my life (which is what they'll probably do). I'm thanking you for helping me get to this point to tell them. You're right, it does feel a bit better. As for my parents doing the above, I'll fight it of course, I know better now, don't you think? I've learned enough from life. :-P

So thanks, really. Love you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.

You.... did it? I actually... oh my *God*, you did it?!

I'm very proud of you. If you ever need moral support, call!!!!


December 13, 2004 at 7:55 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Uh... (is confused, as usual)

Sounds like you've got some guts. Props to you for that. Deception (on a personal basis) rarely works for long, anyhow.
I don't find that thinking about "fighting" w/ parents works very well, but your "fight" is not my "fight", I guess...

December 13, 2004 at 10:33 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Ah yes. Fighting, but it comes ineveitabley w/ my mom somtimes. But it blows off quickly. Thanks for the support, it helps.

And the deception part? yeah, I suppose you're right. But I've been able to keep this down for 10 yrs about so...

December 13, 2004 at 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job Linda. I'm proud of you and your guts, as bloody as they may be. :P Give em some time, and go head and call or w/e if you need even MORE moral support. :P On the other hand, I'm glad you finally got it out and that that load is gone now. Now if only I could get some guts.......
-Zyke (and you know who that is, right?)

December 13, 2004 at 11:34 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Weee love you too!!! *glomps* ^^ yes, I think I'm your cousin. Who are you related to and how?

December 14, 2004 at 9:45 PM  

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