A Cluttered Closet

A side to my daily Xanga blog at http://www.xanga.com/Darkfire_blade. Perhaps a place where things are put into a little more detail, more emotion, more...stuff? ^-^ I have no idea. Just a place where I can throw everything that I thought about my day.

Location: Illinois, United States

Schoolwork, testing, volunteering and friends time? That's all cool, but try balancing that with hiding your best Transformer friend and it all goes insane.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Small Things

It's funny how the littlest thing can make you happy sometimes. A smile, a hug, a word, a look. Those everyday things that can make you cheerful for hours on end if nothing else was there to stop it. It's a wonderful thing to give and to get.

So here is a little thank you for all of you that have done those things for me. You all know who you are. The hugs (and occasional kisses ^^), the funny conversations, the laughter, the friendship, the tears, comfort, and love. It doesn't have to be all of these things. Even one of these are just good enough. Whether I've known you years or just a few weeks, you've made a difference to me.

Thank you.


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